The National Student Survey (NSS), now in its fourth year, is a chance for students to have their say about their courses.
The survey provides students with an crucial opportunity to make their opinions on their higher education student experience count at a national level.
The results are analysed and used to create a year-on-year comparison of data which both helps prospective students make informed choices of where and what to study and enables the participating institutions to identify and improve in areas where they may have let their students down.
Who can take part?
The survey is targeted mostly at final year undergraduates in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and participating Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Scotland.
In addition, from 2008, mainly final year higher education students studying at Further Education Colleges (FECs) in England will be eligible to participate.
The survey provides students with an opportunity to make their opinions on their higher education course known.
How can I take part?
Eligible students will receive an email from Ipsos MORI during January or February 2008 inviting them to complete the survey online. These students’ contact details will have been provided to Ipsos MORI by their university or college.
However, if you are in your final year of an undergraduate course (or for part time or flexible programmes in your fourth year of study) you can complete the survey now. You will be asked for some personal identification information in order to verify that you are eligible to take part. The survey is straightforward and should take no more than five minutes to complete.
All participants and their answers remain anonymous through out the entire survey process.
More information can be found on the National Student Survey website.
Where can I see the survey results?
2008 results will be published on the Unistats website, which aims to assist prospective students in making informed decisions about what and where to study. The website also allows users to;
- Compare UCAS points and other information for different subjects at different institutions.
- Find out the achievements of recent students and discover what types of jobs they are doing six months after completing their higher education course.
- Read what over 187,900 students felt about the quality of their higher education experience.
What makes the survey official?
The survey has been commissioned by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) on behalf of the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and the Department for Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland (DELNI). Ipsos MORI, an independent market research agency, administers the survey.
The following bodies fully support the NSS:
- Department for Employment and Learning (DELNI)
- Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)
- Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW)
- National Union of Students (NUS)
- National Union of Students — Wales (NUS — Wales)
- Universities and Colleges Admissions Services (UCAS)
- Skills for Health — Sector Skills Council (SSC)
- Training and Development Agency (TDA) for Schools
- Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS)
Useful websites
The National Student Survey
Information on the survey administered by Ipsos MORI.
Information on university courses including teaching quality and student satisfaction metrics.