A Diploma is a new kind of qualification aimed at 14 to 19-year-olds and can be used as a stepping stone to higher education courses.
For students who are looking for a mix of practical experience and classroom-based learning and are getting ready to enter year 10 or 12 from this September they could be a good choice.
What is a Diploma?
Unlike apprenticeships, which are aim to provide training for specific jobs, Diplomas aim to give young people an insight into particular employment sectors, alongside a fully rounded education.
As well as learning in the classroom you will spend time in an environment more like a workplace, such as a workshop. You will also get the chance to do work experience with an employer.
A Diploma means that you can keep your options open for the future, and explore areas of work and study that interest you without committing to a particular career.
What Diplomas are available?
Diplomas will be available in five subjects at first (with more than 40,000 places available on courses in over 1,300 schools and colleges across England from this coming September). These subjects on offer are;
- Construction and the built environment;
- Creative and Media;
- Engineering;
- Information Technology and Society;
- Health and Development.
An additional five subjects will be available from September 2009;
- Environmental and Land-based Studies;
- Business;
- Administration and Finance;
- Manufacturing and Product Design;
- Hospitality and Catering;
- Hair and Beauty.
And four more will start from September 2010;
- Travel and tourism;
- Public Services;
- Sport and Leisure;
- Retail.
You can find out which schools and colleges are offering which through your local 14 to 19 prospectus or by talking to teachers, careers advisors or Connexions staff.
Which level can I study at?
Diplomas can be studied at ‘foundation’, ‘higher’, ‘progression’ or ‘advanced’ level.
Starting in years 10 or 12, a foundation Diploma will take broadly the same time to do as four to five GCSEs, a higher Diploma around the same time as five to six GCSEs. On completing either, you could go on to do an advanced or progression Diploma, GCSEs, A-levels or even an apprenticeship.
Starting in year 12 or above, an advanced Diploma will take the same time to do as three A-levels and could lead to college, university or skilled employment. A progression Diploma will take about the same time to do as two A-levels and could lead to further study, training, apprenticeships, vocational qualifications, another Diploma course or employment. A progression Diploma will suit you if you decide that you can’t complete a whole advanced Diploma.
You don’t necessarily need to have completed a foundation or higher Diploma to do a progression or advanced Diploma.
Can I combine other qualifications with a Diploma?
You can easily move from Diplomas to other qualifications – Diplomas do not replace existing options like GCSEs, A-levels or apprenticeships.
You can take GCSEs or A-levels alongside a Diploma or even as an optional course choice within a Diploma.
In years 10 and 11 you will do subjects along side your Diploma, and in all Diplomas you can choose to take some GCSEs or A-levels as part of your course.
Can a Diploma be used for entry to a higher education course?
Advanced Diplomas will generally be regarded as being equivalent to three A-levels by universities for the purposes of university or college admission (not just to relevant subjects but for higher level study in general).
Is a Diploma right for me?
You need a whole range of skills in life, as well as academic achievement. The Diploma helps you to develop the skills and experience that employers and universities are looking for, and really value. And you can do this without committing yourself to a career in a particular work area.
You’ll develop skills that include creative thinking and teamwork, alongside English, maths and ICT. When you’ve completed your Diploma course, you can choose to do further study then go on to college or university; or into a job and training.
Useful websites
Directgov – The Diploma
Microsite with further information on Diploma courses.
Training for specific jobs