Early summer. In a village in northern Turkey, Lale and her four sisters are walking home from school, playing innocently with some boys. The immorality of their play sets off a scandal that has unexpected consequences. The family home is progressively transformed into a prison; instruction in homemaking replaces school and marriages start being arranged. The five sisters who share a common passion for freedom, find ways of getting around the constraints imposed on them.
Mustang tackles Turkey’s most important problem, the issue of woman in society: her secondary place and the patriarchal chains around her, due to culture, politics, religion and socio-economic development.
The film shows at first hand the virtual prison experienced by all sort of women in our society, through the emodiment of the five sisters, but its confinement within four walls at times feels like a missed opportunity to paint an authentic picture of everyday life and details in the country.
A courageous take on gender equality told in a very natural and not overly laboured way.