Last October the government announced a new initiative designed to amplify the student voice in government – the Student Listening Programme.
As well as a new minister for students and a promise that ministers would visit universities and colleges and talk directly to students, came the idea for a new national student forum which would be informed by a number of “student juries“.
The thinking was that a cross-section of students would have the opportunity to hear from sector experts, to speak out about their own experiences of higher education and vote on the issues they think should be top priorities for policymakers and the new forum.
Four jury sessions were held in London, Bristol, Manchester and Sheffield and an additional jury was convened in London specifically for international students and with minutes now compiled from each of the jury sessions it’s clear that career and educational development, accommodation and value for money are the key issues facing today’s students.
Some of the key recommendations to come out of the events, which will be put to the national forum include;
- A greater emphasis by universities on careers and postgraduate opportunities, including a more systematic approach to identifying and supporting work placements;
- The need for better information, advice and guidance for students to assist them in making the transition between further and higher education;
- Simplifying the application process for student financial support;
- Improving access to quality, affordable accommodation on or around university and college campuses.
Minister for students Baroness Delyth Morgan believes the juries have a crucial role to play in influencing government policy in the future;”The juries have provided a vital student perspective in the development, delivery and impact of government policy, helping shape the deabte around future policy and advising ministers on what students can reasonably expect from the time and money they invest in their university studies”.
The jury recommendations will be put to the new national student forum which will look to put together an annual report to which ministers have committed to respond.
You can find out more about the student listening programme on the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) website.
Useful websites
Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) – Student Listening Programme
Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) – Student Juries