Gateshead Council owned Dementia Resource Centre – Shadon House in Birtley – has been rated ‘Outstanding’ after a Care Quality Commission inspection.
The centre which has already been voted the ‘highest performing care home in Gateshead’ by a leading, national care home website and been a finalist in the ‘Dignity and Respect Care Home of the Year Award’, was praised for its ‘genuinely caring attitude’ .
Shadon House provides short stay assessment and respite support to people with a dementia condition, or who have significant memory loss.
People can stay in the centre anywhere from an overnight stay up to a six-week period. And while they are at Shadon House, they and their families can enjoy lots of facilities including a summer house, multi-sensory garden, cinema, dance hall and bar.
The Care Quality Commission found that the service was safe and effective and made special mention of the levels of caring, responsiveness and leadership.
The CQC’s report praised the ‘person centred culture’ which was ‘firmly embedded in the service’ and of how people ‘spoke highly of the genuinely caring attitude of the staff team’.
The report mentions the good rapport between staff and people in the home and how the atmosphere was ‘relaxed, friendly and affectionate’.
Inspectors heard ‘lots of laughter’ and were impressed by the way ‘staff had time to sit and talk with people, expressing genuine interest in each person as an individual’.
Inspectors visited the Centre in January and their report was completed this month. Their inspection found that the environment at Shadon House was stimulating and creative and that the building had been customised to meet the needs of people living with dementia, in line with current research. They also found the environment offered plenty of sensory and tactile stimulation.
Staff were praised as being ‘experienced, knowledgeable and well trained’ and ‘showed a real commitment to their roles’ telling inspectors of ‘the enjoyment and pride they took from their daily work’.
Residents told inspectors they felt safe and well protected and they were encouraged and supported to be as independent as possible. Staff were found to help people regain lost skills and abilities and relatives told inspectors that their loved ones were more able, confident and engaged when they left the service because of this work.
The CQC also found that the Centre even offers a befriending service to support people after discharge and staff liaise with other agencies to ensure people were supported when back in the community.
Feedback about the service from people with dementia and their families was found to be highly positive and that there was ‘a culture of mutual respect between people, their families, staff and professionals.’
Other professionals working in the field also praised Shadon House and told inspectors that the service worked collaboratively with them, was responsive to advice and had ‘great insight and understanding about people’s needs’.
The report details that the opinions of people using the service are gathered every month and when a person leaves the service. Inspectors found these views were overwhelmingly positive and this was mirrored in the service’s ‘compliments’ file.
This includes comments such as:”Shadon House offers the most outstanding example of adult social care I have ever come across. The innovative ways they have developed to engage and improve the quality of life for service users is truly amazing. The staff show exceptional commitment and deliver the highest standards of care.”
A professional added: “The staff are very, very professional and very, very person centred – day in, day out. I would choose this home for my relative.”
Councillor Michael McNestry, Cabinet Member for Adult social Care at Gateshead Council, responded to the CQC’s report: “We are absolutely delighted that the hard work, dedication and professionalism of the staff at Shadon House has been recognised and that this excellent service has received the ‘outstanding’ rating it thoroughly deserves.
“Shadon House has already been voted the ‘highest performing care home in Gateshead’ by a leading, national care home website and has been a finalist in the ‘Dignity and Respect Care Home of the Year Award’ – both in 2015 – and we are very proud this CQC unannounced inspection and the ‘outstanding’ rating makes a trio of achievements in a short space of time.
“Gateshead residents can be even more assured that their relatives with mental health or dementia related conditions are receiving a service which is second to none.”